More and more people are registering with Telegram. It is a free instant messaging app. Users can send files of many formats: text, voice, video, stickers, and photos. In addition, you can make video and audio calls, as well as organize conferences. Due to the ability to create multi-user groups and channels, some call this platform a social network. The application can be installed on Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows, macOS, and GNU/Linux. Registration in the system takes place in several steps and involves linking to a phone number. Below are instructions that will help you register with Telegram from a computer and smartphone.
Instructions for the phone
Most people install Telegram on their phones. Despite the general wordpress web design agency similarity of the application versions for different OS, they have a number of distinctive features. Let's look at how to register on different smartphones.
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For Android owners:
Go to Google Play, find the application and install it.
Click on the "Start Messaging" button.
Enter the number you want to link the program to.
Wait for an automatic message or an incoming call.
Please enter your first and last name.
The process takes no more than 5 minutes. Once registration is complete, click on the icon with three horizontal lines, which is located in the upper left corner, to set up your account.
For iPhone owners:
Download the app from the App Store and launch it.
Click on the “Start Messaging” icon.
Please provide a telephone number.
Next you will receive an SMS or a call.
If you received a message, enter the code in the appropriate field. In the case of a call, automatic activation will occur.
Registration on iPhone also takes no more than five minutes. For further work, go to the "Settings" section by clicking on the icon at the bottom of the screen.
IMPORTANT! If you register in the application via a smartphone, but you already have an account and it is open on another device, the activation code will be sent there.
Manual for computer
Although most people prefer to use Telegram on mobile devices, some use a PC or laptop for this. Let's look at how the registration process differs on a computer. Step-by-step actions:
Select the appropriate version of the application and download it.
Run the download file.
Select language.
Specify the location to store the folder. If you do not make any changes, the program will be installed on drive C by default.
Wait for the installation to complete.
Launch the application.
Click the "Start Messaging" button.
Please indicate your country of residence and telephone number.
Receive the activation code via SMS or in the open application on another device.
Please provide your first and last name.
Just ten steps and the application will be installed on your computer. If necessary, you can change the profile settings. To do this, click on the icon with three horizontal lines, which is located in the upper left corner, and select the appropriate section. |