Business Portfolio Analysis
Employees, however, have no direct influence on the institution storing their funds in their PPK account. Where our savings will go depends on the employer's decision, because it is the employer who chooses the financial institution. The first payments in 2023 will be calculated and collected from remuneration paid in March.Then the employer will transfer them to the financial institution between April 1 and April 17. Update of records - changes in PPK 2023 Resignation or joining the so-called [b][url=]phone number list[/url][/b] PPK auto-enrollment again falls on February 28, 2023 this calendar year . According to the law, every 4 years the employer is obliged to inform employees.
About re-enrollment in the PPK program. Auto-enrolment only applies to people who have submitted a declaration of resignation from making payments to Employee Capital Plans. In this case, the situation of people who are active PPK participants, regardless of their age, does not change. They continue to save in the program without having.